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MM165  3.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor Driver

The MM165 is a 3.5A Bipolar Stepper Motor driver based on the TB6560 drive chip.   The MM160 is capable of full, half, 1/8th and 1/16 microstepping.  

The MM165 has an onboard processor (ATmega168) that is pre-programmed to execute high level functions.  The MM165 is capable of operating standalone or under control of a separate processor such as the Wasp or controller such as the MK4.

The MM165 has a number of digital and analog input/output ports that can be used to control the MM165 or allow the MM165 to control other devices or sensors.   For example,  by attaching a joystick to one of the analog input pins the MM165 can be instructed to output clockwise or clockwise step pulses at a rate determined by the joystick angle.  See the MM165 Technical Manual for information regarding the command set and functions supported by the software.


MM165 being controlled by a USB10 communications controller.  The MM165 is capable of executing high level commands such as repetitive moves under control of a desktop application.


Additional Information
  MM165 Technical  Manual
Pricing - Availability
  MM165                 $45.00
The MM165 is available as a standalone board.
 Product Codes:
      MM165                BUY

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