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Motion Control Drivers
MM120 Smart Bipolar 2.5A Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis bipolar microstepping 2.5A driver with onboard processor (ATmega168) pre-programmed to execute high level commands such as following external joystick or motion movements commands. Uses the A3977 driver chip.
Price:   $45.00
MM130 Smart Unipolar 3.0A Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis unipolar microstepping 3.0A driver with onboard processor (ATmega168) pre-programmed to execute high level commands such as following external joystick or motion movements commands. Uses the SLA7078 driver chip.
Price:   $45.00        
MM160 Bipolar 3.5A/35V Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis bipolar microstepping 3.5A35V driver based on the TB6560 driver chip.
Price:   $22.95     
MM166 Bipolar 5A/45V Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis bipolar microstepping 5A/45V driver based on the TB6560 driver chip.
Price:   $24.95     
MM165 Smart Bipolar 3.5A Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis bipolar microstepping 3.5A driver with onboard processor (ATmega168) pre-programmed to execute high level commands such as following external joystick or motion movements commands.
Price:   $45.00        
MM220 Smart Bipolar 6A Microstepping Driver
Description:  Single axis bipolar microstepping 6A driver with onboard processor (ATmega168) pre-programmed to execute high level commands such as following external joystick or motion movements commands.
Price:   $75.00        

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